Handling VoiceAttack Events

In order to handle VoiceAttack’s Init, Exit and StopCommand events, you will have to define corresponding event handlers. The Invoke event is handled separately.

Generally speaking, event handlers in YAVAPF are public static methods of your plugin class that must have certain attributes associated to them and must have the correct method signature.

An event can have as many handlers as you require. Do note that a specific order of execution cannot be guaranteed.


Init handlers are invoked when VoiceAttack inintializes your plugin. That happens exactly once at application startup. Use these to setup your plugin for use.

Init handlers must accept a single VoiceAttackInitProxyClass parameter and must have an InitAttribute. InitAttribute does not have any properties.

public static void MyInitHandler(VoiceAttackInitProxyClass vaProxy)


Exit handlers are invoked when VoiceAttack closes. That happens exactly once at application shutdown. Use these to gracefully tear down anything your plugin has to tear down.

Exit handlers must accept a single VoiceAttackProxyClass parameter and must have an ExitAttribute. ExitAttribute does not have any properties.

public static void MyExitHandler(VoiceAttackProxyClass vaProxy)


StopCommand handlers are invoked whenever VoiceAttack stops all commands. That happens e.g. when a “Stop all commands” command action is executed or when the “Stop Commands” button on the main interface is pressed. If your plugin has to respond to that, use these.

StopCommand handlers must have no parameters and must have a StopCommandAttribute. StopCommandAttribute does not have any properties.

public static void MyStopCommandHandler()