
YAVAPF allows logging to the VoiceAttack event log.

Logging to a log file is planned, but not implemented yet.

Write a Log Line

To write a log message from plugin code, use the methods provided by the VoiceAttackLog object availabe in the Log property of your plugin object. There is one per log level.

Plugin.Log.Error("Example error message.");
Plugin.Log.Debug("Just sent an error message.");

You can also log messages from a VoiceAttack command. Unlike a regular “Write to Log” command action going through the plugin will enforce the correct format and log level.

Your plugin will automatically provide the reserved plugin contexts log.<log level> for each of the 5 log levels. Simply set a ~message string and call the appropriate plugin context. This should be equivalent to the code above:

Set text [~message] to 'Example error message.'
Execute external plugin, 'Your Plugin v0.0.1' using context 'log.error' and wait for return
Set text [~message] to 'Just sent an error message.'
Execute external plugin, 'Your Plugin v0.0.1' using context 'log.debug' and wait for return

Log Level

A message will be colour coded with the corresponding colour. If the log level assigned to a message is below the current log level, it will not be displayed.

E.g. an INFO message will not be displayed by default since the default log level is NOTICE. A DEBUG message will only ever be displayed if the current log level is DEBUG.

Log Level Log Colour Recommended Use
ERROR 🟥 red unrecoverable error
WARN 🟨 yellow recoverable error, warning
NOTICE 🟩 green noteworthy information
INFO 🟦 blue miscellaneous information
DEBUG ⬜ gray debugging

Setting the Current Log Level

You can set the current log level by either setting the LogLevel property or by invoking SetLogLevel(string) of your plugin’s Log property.

The latter is mostly useful when dealing with input from a VoiceAttack command. Its parameter is not case sensitive.

Plugin.Log.LogLevel = LogLevel.WARN;
Plugin.Log.SetLogLevel = "info";

You can also set the log level from a VoiceAttack command directly by simply setting <plugin name>.loglevel# to the desired log level.

Set text [Your Plugin.loglevel#] to 'debug'

The variable changed event for this specific variable name will be handled by YAVAPF internally. You can of course still define your own handlers in addition to it.